
The price of hotel laundry equipment

         Investment hotel dry cleaning which is the price of the dry cleaners, many investors are concerned about how much is the price of a hotel dry cleaning equipment, so in terms of investment of the hotel dry cleaning, equipment prices are generally is how many money?

         ENEJEAN dry cleaners prices are far below the market price, in order to let more investors into dry cleaning market, therefore ENEJEAN washing to reduce the threshold, 15 kinds of dry cleaning investment plan formulation, the hotel dry cleaning investors only need at least 30000 yuan can invest in a small dry cleaners, which is equipped with automatic frequency oil dry cleaning machine, automatic dryers, Vacuum Ironing table and other five kinds of dry cleaning equipment.

         How to choose the right hotel dry cleaning equipment?

         A, choice of direct dry cleaning brand. As the saying goes "birds of a feather flock together", relatively good dry cleaning brand in the market has its own dry cleaning equipment, have a plenty of goods on a commission basis, have a plenty of their own production, such as ENEJEAN washing dry cleaning equipment have been made in their research, quality and technology fully comparable to international brands. If investors before the choose and buy, in the dry cleaning brand would pick the appropriate to reduce the scope, and convergence in the dry cleaning brand dry cleaning equipment tend to be high levels of security, can choose save you time, also can harvest affordable hotel laundry equipment.

         Second, the first clear own stores need. Because different hotel demand for dry cleaning equipment is different, such as some dry cleaners just need a few basic dry cleaning equipment can be business, some hotels in the face of customer base is more advanced, so need to prepare the dry cleaners dry cleaning equipment are often form a complete set of advanced equipment, have a lot of high-grade fabrics processing functions. Full of beautiful things in the kinds of dry cleaning equipment on the market, if investors don't have the purpose to find not only a waste of time, and may choose to not the types of equipment you need.

         ENEJEAN washing independent research and development manufacture dry cleaning equipment, also as a professional dry cleaning equipment manufacturers in the public eye. ENEJEAN production of dry cleaners using programmable microcomputer control, can automatically identify clothing fabrics, can also according to the actual circumstances of the clothing can be arbitrary set of washing time. Rotor cage, barrel, panels are in line with international standards of steel, dry cleaners to realize the automatic and intelligent, simple operation, good cleaning performance. Because there is no agent link, the investors buy the dry cleaning equipment access to market the most preferential price. 

