
Small dry cleaners need fully automatic oil dry cleaning machine

         Small dry cleaners need fully automatic hydrocarbon dry cleaning machines? Now join in dry cleaning chain industry is more and more praised by the people's favorite, join in dry cleaning chains good market prospect of large profits high, join the dry cleaning chain is becoming more and more widely across the joining dry cleaning chain more investors saw the opportunities of dry cleaning target start-ups.

         Recently some friends who want to invest in join in dry cleaning chain very interested in running a small dry cleaners, who joined ShangWenDe is "small dry cleaners need fully automatic oil dry cleaning machine," general small join in dry cleaning chain need dozens of square metre house, automatic oil dry cleaners to configure a plus a dryer and a steam generator, plus the iron (including rubber), suction ironing table one if you want to join in dry cleaning chain had good pavement image, we can also add a few auxiliary equipment and conveyor kimono packaging machine such as washing machine and clothes as well as disinfection cabinet etc for your choice with the more perfect, equipment is a high performance and economical investment amount is about 4-70000 RMB, of course, these devices can also according to be fond of and need to increase or decrease.

         Actually the most basic configuration for dry cleaners is automatic oil dry washer, dryer, ironing table, steam generator, electric iron, disinfection cabinet. Many investors are more concerned about for the equipment or the quality of the equipment. Only high-quality equipment price and quality guarantee can make cost down for more profits. Automatic oil dry cleaners for dry cleaners is one of the more important dry cleaning equipment in the dry cleaners, ENEJEAN dry cleaner franchising think dry cleaners investors think for automatic oil dry cleaners, dry cleaning equipment selection should be to hold a cautious attitude to choose automatic oil dry cleaners equipment.

         Small dry cleaners need fully automatic oil dry cleaners? Choose ENEJEAN join in dry cleaning chain, rich experience in brand operation is ENEJEAN dry cleaners in the rapid expansion of the country's important reason, ENEJEAN headquarters can provide investors with a local economic condition analysis, research, targeted to provide investors with open plan guidance, can according to different regions of people's consumption habits and income to determine a few star dry cleaners, this not only reduces the risk of investment also has provided the safeguard for the rights and interests of consumers, to ensure that each consumer to joining dry cleaning chain ENEJEAN enjoy are absolutely high quality service. 

