
The basic requirements for professional cleaning of industrial washing machine

     Should admit that along with the development of scientific and technological progress and washing industry, to meet the needs of professional washing fabric washing care industrial washing machine and commercial washing machine is also improved, all kinds of washing machines in the market, this undoubtedly for the choice of professional cleaning equipment provided favorable conditions. Under the impact of the spring tide of market economy, however, unavoidably, the phenomenon of the good and bad are intermingled, good and evil people mixed up, let just involved in washing liquid friend often illusory, or suffering. 20th century ninety s some propaganda media killed vaunted "thousands of yuan a laundry factory" is a typical example. Practice has proved that professional fabric washing HuLiDui washing equipment is there are a lot of specific requirements.

     Professional cleaning companies to the basic requirement of industrial washing machine includes:

1, should have the function of washing or washing and dewatering function;
2, washing equipment, to ensure the requirement of fabric cleanliness. , embodies the necessary to wash every kilogram of fabric of industrial washing machine dantian cage (roller) on the number of lisheng, usually numerical 1:10 ~ 1:12, under normal circumstances, should not be less than the latter;
3, washing equipment should have heating device, can finish within the allotted time for washing liquid heating, in order to satisfy different plants of washing;
4, good to, drainage function, as well as convenient detergent added device, meet in the process of the fabric washing water, washing, bleaching nd spinning the need;
5, bees have excellent performance, no leakage, stable operation and reliable to the joy and the operator does not constitute a hazard;
6, industrial washing machine drum and shell have excellent anti-corrosion performance, can effectively prevent liquid detergent accessories;
7, industrial washing machine control system with reliable, cash, accurately and safely complete washed the whole project, failure frequency is low, simple and convenient maintenance
8, design reasonable, small vibration, low noise, low energy consumption, such as water, electricity, steam

