
The analysis of large-scale washing equipment of electrical systems

         Washing machinery manufacturing co. , LTD.  The technology of small make up today to introduce something professional, ordinary single barrel large washing equipment (Large washing equipment) of electrical control system is relatively simple, this part includes motor, timer and condenser, etc. Motor, large washing equipment is the most commonly used in secondary or quadrupole capacitance type single-phase motor operation. Now with dosage the biggest XD motor as an example. Large washing equipment at work, the motor is in full load starting and positive and reverse transformation condition, it requires motor with high torque, low current startup performance, running capacitor electric function meet these requirements. In designing and manufacturing, industrial washing machine motor of main winding and the auxiliary winding of the number of turns, wire diameter, pitch, and winding in the stator slot distribution are exactly the same, make each winding can act as the main winding or vice winding, and through the timer control motor of periodic and inversion. Timer periodically to switch capacitor concatenated into the winding and the auxiliary winding, realize the large washing equipment for motor positive and reverse time limits. But must pay attention to: the big washing machines in the middle of the positive and reverse switch has a pause.

         Capacitor is used for starting motor and gain greater torque and high power factor. If the capacitor matching unreasonable, general may produce the following two results: one kind is starting torque and rated torque reduction;Another kind is increase starting current, motor temperature rise higher, the motor noise and increase electric power consumption, etc. More industrial washing equipment price please login guangzhou ENEJEAN website for consultation.

         In the laundry staff would like to learn the professional knowledge in their own work at ordinary times if there are any laundry equipment inside suddenly fails, at least oneself also know inspection and maintenance. 

