
Industrial washing machine how to rust cleaning treatment

         Washing machinery experts for you article summarizes several commercial laundry equipment rust prevention tips.
         1, industrial washing machine can't long-term exposure to sunshine point-blank, especially for plastic electrical device, in order to avoid fade, aging machine, this will shorten the service life of the machine.
         2, for industrial washing machine spindle is equipped with the oil hole, oil regularly, to prevent corrosion rust.
         3, should be laid industrial washing machine dry, no corrosive gas, no strong acid, strong alkali erosion, so as to avoid the rust of the metal, electrical components to reduce the insulation performance, ensure the machine after normal use.
         4, if the industrial washing machine is stopped for a long time, the first thing to rule out water, and cover with plastic film or cloth cover, avoid the erosion of dust, keep washing machine is light, clean and tidy, clean.

         Know how to industrial washing machine after rust prevention tips, then tell you how industrial washing machine cleaning time.
         1, for machine without serious rust where we first adopt the yarn paper rust polished clean, at the same time apply the same color or nearly color paint, this machine at the whole novel.
         2, serious rust of industrial washing machine is you need to contact the manufacturer in your after-sale service for processing, or contact the manufacturer directly purchase parts, or will be returned to the factory re-work, the whole machine and good after-sales service or the manufacturer consultation. 

