
No experience how to choose a dry cleaners equipment?

         No experience how to choose a dry cleaners equipment (dry cleaning hydrocarbon)? Inexperienced dry cleaners operator should be how to choose a dry cleaners equipment? In the initial stages of dry cleaning industry investment, investors in the face of the first problem is probably choose dry cleaning equipment. But most investors didn't have much experience of dry cleaning industry, should choose device how to start? The ENEJEAN washing group chief investment experts are made are as follows:
         First, look at the dry cleaners equipment manufacturers market reputation.
         Because investors have no relevant experience, so at the time of equipment purchase, try to choose a big brand enterprise production in the dry cleaning equipment. A result, big brand dry cleaning production equipment quality guarantee is bigger;And secondly, big brand dry cleaning has the industry advanced technology level, can be put into use in the equipment manufacturing, make the dry cleaning equipment functional stronger;Three, large strength of brand dry cleaning company after-sales service team, let investors buy equipment without any worries. And review the strength of dry cleaners equipment manufacturer, is to see how the market reputation, in the heart of the industry how to position.
         Second, the dry cleaning equipment of production materials.
         In addition to see equipment manufacturers, investors should also to know the material of dry cleaning equipment. In general, the material of dry cleaning equipment needs high strength, corrosion resistance, because the dry cleaning solvent and special cleaning solvent have strong corrosive. If it's dry cleaners, also should see the thin thickness of the shell plate, the machine in the process of the vibration is too large, also depends on the internal structure is fine. To achieve the level required less equipment. The current domestic market, dry cleaning ENEJEAN washing group equipment to meet the corresponding standards, is recognized in the industry's first-class equipment.
         Third, the dry cleaning equipment operating condition in actual operation.
         In addition to the above two methods, the investors in the case of conditional can be observed directly to dry cleaners best equipment in the actual operation performance. In general, large dry cleaning companies join manufacturers will have its directly dry cleaners, investors in the practical field investigation, can personally to see in the stores. Laundry equipment is good, to be able to test to determine through practice. 

