
Washing machinery and equipment maintenance

Laundry machines maintenance and maintenance of common sense
In order to reduce accidents and make laundry equipment running in the best condition, improve the work efficiency, we will be easy to overlook some introduction is as follows.
1. The electrothermal dry cleaners, small boiler pressure gauge readings should be zero after cooling, such as greater than zero pressure in the furnace should be drained.
2. Regular cleaning steam pipe and pipe installed filters, check whether the trap work normally.
3. Regular cleaning drying controller automatically.
4. The solvent pump working conditions should not lift button collection basket, prevent foreign bodies from entering the pipe stuck pump impeller.
5. Boiler water pump such as stop more than a week to work again, should be the motor fan impeller tray and start, to stop turn, motor burn out.
6. Check the belt tension, the thumb is perpendicular to the midpoint of the two pulley tangent, press belt, belt invagination 15 to 20 mm as normal.
7. Pressure gauge, safety valve, pressure controller will be sent to the relevant departments of the nuclear inspection, unqualified parts must be replaced with specifications to put into operation.
8. Laundry room inside all steam pipe heat preservation material in good condition, regular replacement of steam hose, in order to reduce heat loss and prevent burns.
9. Open air every six months, will adhere to the cold and hot coil and air circulation, fan impeller passage for the cilia clean thoroughly, in order to improve the drying efficiency, reduce the contamination to the corrosion of the machine.
Professional interpretation of the different washing machinery and equipment in the daily maintenance to maintain the same point: as long as the operator of laundry equipment daily maintenance to do good, so this can not only increase the laundry service life of the mechanical equipment, use flexibility will also increase the washing machinery and equipment, the following is to introduce the different washing machinery and equipment with the characteristics of the daily maintenance.

