
How to choose a hotel laundry equipment to improve work efficiency

Hotel has a guest need washing clothing and cloth grass, since the hotel laundry laundry equipment can ensure the quality of washing, generally choose the hotel laundry equipment specification then work efficiency is higher, the greater the main is to configure the devices fall into five categories of products.
    1. Dry cleaning categories:
Such as hotel laundry equipment is mainly used for guest clothes and work clothes dry cleaning, because the clothes dry cleaning requirements is not very big, so the hotel laundry equipment can be configured according to oneself circumstance, sales in the market of dry cleaners can be divided into: oil dry cleaners, tetrachloroethylene dry cleaners.
    2. The elution baking classes:
The hotel laundry machine is mainly used for elution drying linen fabric, choose according to the hotel laundry cabinet size configuration.In the current market is divided into two camps, one is a fully automatic type, is a kind of semi-automatic type, automatic type include: automatic washing, elution drying machine.Semi-automatic type include: industrial washing machine, dewatering machine, dryer, etc. Some only have a single function of laundry equipment.

3. The folding type:
Such hotel laundry equipment is mainly - used to fold fabric after the wrinkles, it greatly reduces the operator workload and greatly improve the work efficiency of the entire hotel laundry.The folding machine sales in the market at present can be divided into: according to the working width 2.8 meters, 3.0 meters, 3.0 meters type three categories.
    The wrinkles in 4 categories:
After this class hotel laundry equipment is mainly used for washing the fabric wrinkles in the work, is one of the essential for hotel laundry equipment, the wrinkles in the market at present such equipment are: wrinkles in wrinkles in roller machine, slot machine two broad categories, including wrinkles in roller machine with high efficiency, good effect of ironing characteristics such as deep by the majority of users love.
    5. After ironing equipment:
After this class hotel laundry equipment is mainly used for washing the fabric later processing, one of the most common hotel laundry equipment are: clamp machine, portrait machine, ironing table, steam generator, scouring machine, etc.

