
Investment laundry in washing equipment selection should pay attention to

Large laundry washing equipment has long been the investment, the cleaner indispensable an electronics in the crowd, people now rely heavily on large washing equipment, what about large washing equipment, purchase, use, maintenance and other related matters, consumers also know how many?Believe that many consumers know is not much more, today small make up of the technology is Guangzhou ENEJEAN wash equipment manufacturing co., LTD. With all of you to say those things about large washing equipment.Knowledge about the previous washing equipment procurement guidelines:

1, in order to ensure the security of use, must be the power cord plug in three plugged with wiring, ensure the grounding line three socket.
    2, installation location plane must be strong and smooth, when using, do not install the large washing equipment in the soft, soft floor or carpet on the steps.
    3, need to separate the use of a large washing equipment and special pipe with large washing equipment for large special faucet washing equipment work.
    4, water vapor in the cylinder because the factory before the final inspection.
    5, the ordinary fold: this is the phenomenon of transport by installing bolts may be produced after, in the large washing equipment operation after a period of time, door will automatically recover.
    6, before the first use of large washing equipment, must be pulled down the four transport bolt behind the large washing equipment.
    7, if produce very big noise or move large washing equipment, so may be due to incorrect place,
    Finally also to share about the use of large washing equipment maintenance, please choose the appropriate large commercial household low foam detergent washing equipment and clothing care agent.Opened the door of large washing equipment of the machine and keep the machine dry, in order to make bin drawer residual moisture evaporates quickly, can be hand will remain open.Carefully read large washing equipment of random distribution of the operation instruction handbook .Did these basic no questions about you invest in laundry.

