
Treasured Token: Silver Snake Chain

My family was not rich and I had led a poor life since I was a child. When my classmates were wearing beautiful clothes, what I wore was plain suit with cheap price. I felt so envied but I could understand the difficult situation of my family, which was maintained by my hard-working father and mother. However, to my surprise, they gave me a Silver Snake Chain as my birthday gift when I was 18 years ago, which would be a melting memory forever in my life.

  I still remembered the scene that on that day they seemed secretive, making me feel strange very much. Suddenly, they took out a casket to show me, causing my curiosity. They said it was a birthday gift given to me and asked me to open the box by myself. I
carefully held it, opening it with full expectation. A delicate chain necklace plated silver captured my eyes at once. I hadn’t seen such a glaring necklace in so close distance. I hardly believed it had become my own treasure!

  Although I was happy enough, I knew my parents bought the necklace uneasily because their wages were low. They just wanted me to be a beautiful adult like ordinary girls. Holding the Silver Snake Chain in my hand, it was as if I touched their warm hearts deeply. I felt fortunate and grateful to my considerate parents.

  It should be admitted that you can’t choose which family you will be worn and which parents you will come across in the world. What you should do is to value what the fate gives you and feel the warmth from people who really love you. The Silver Snake Chain is my treasured token in my life, representing my parents’ hard work and deep love for me. I hope that one day when I have ability to earn money, I can take good care of them as return. 

