
Permission Marketing Vs Over Marketing

Permission marketing, when someone "allows" you to market to them via email, or via subscribing to your RSS feed, is a very big foundation block of today's marketing world. With so many social media outlets, you have many opportunities to market to the people who "Like" your Facebook page, who follow you on Twitter, and who follow you on LinkedIn. There is a catch, however. If you've ever been at the receiving end of a Twitter storm, LinkedIn bombardment, or Facebook blast, you know that seeing the same person or company show up in your feed multiple times per hour is plain annoying. How much marketing is too much?People can be very quick to unfriend you, unfollow you, and unsubscribe to you if you send out too many marketing pieces via social media. If someone orders a product from you once per year, but you send out a daily email message that is too much marketing. If your Facebook updates outnumber the normal posts in someone's feed, they will "unlike" you. If they look at their Twitter feed and see you every other tweet, you're unfollowed. People do not want to be pestered by anyone, much less a company they've bought products or services from, several times in one day. How do you avoid over-marketing? The very best way to avoid it is to ask the people you market to. Plain and simple, pick a test group of people who "like" you, "follow" you, or subscribe to you and ask them if they're tired of hearing from you. Of course, some people think any amount of marketing is too much, so make sure to ask a test group large enough that you can get a good feel for what your rc flying fish customers think.Keep track of how many followers, fans, and subscribers you have. As the numbers increase or decrease, measure that against the amount of communications you've been distributing. If dropship from china you've been marketing more but losing more contacts, you're probably over-marketing.Tailor your communications. Someone who has only ordered from you once might not want to get an email from you every day. Someone who orders several times per year or month might be more interested in special promotions you are running, or product updates you might want to talk about. Look at how your competitors market to their customers. Follow them, "like" them, and pay attention to the communication they send out. If they annoy you, make Flying angry bird sure you don't do what they do. If more and more people like them, follow their lead.Finally, realize that the permission customers and potential customers have given you to market to them is a privilege and treat it as such. Make sure you take care with your communication and messages, and your customers will thank you for it, as will your business. Additionally, make sure your messaging means something. Don't send out messages and updates that have no meaning. Offer value to the customer who opts-in and they will keep coming back.

