
Don’t Get Scammed Selling Gold Jewelry Replica Handbags

Selling gold jewelry Replica Chloe Handbags that you don’t wear or is broken can be a great way to get some extra cash. You may want to use it to pay off a few bills, go on vacation or simply start a nice little nest egg. Whatever your reasons for selling gold jewelry, it’s important to know that there are many reputable gold buyers on the Internet as well as many scammers who will take advantage of you if you aren’t careful.There are several ways to ensure you aren’t taken advantage of; the most crucial is knowing whether you are dealing with a reputable gold refiner. Don’t work with a company you aren’t familiar with or that is a middleman. How do you find out these things? Take the following steps before you sell your gold jewelry to anyone:1. Visit the buyer’s Web site. Does the company have a street address clearly displayed on the Web page? It should. If it is only a post office box, they could easily take your gold, and you would never be able to find them. Some gold buyers let your visit their actual location. If you find an online service that does this and you live close by, consider selling gold jewelry directly at their location. The Replica Handbags location and the office will tell you a lot about the business.2. Has the company been around Replica Givenchy Handbags for a while? Anyone who is in the business of buying or selling gold jewelry should have at least five, preferably ten, years of experience. They will have a reputation to uphold and a record of good service is a must to stay in business that long.3. We’ve mentioned it before, but it’s important enough to repeat – make sure you are selling gold jewelry to a refinery, not to a broker or middleman. Why sell your gold jewelry to someone who is going to give you a low price so that he can make a profit off of your gold?4. Does the Web site clearly list the price they will pay to anyone selling gold jewelry? Although they can’t list exact prices, they should at least have a relatively current price per ounce that will give you a feel for what you might be able to get for your gold.5. Is there a customer service phone number? Make a list of questions and give the company a call. They should have knowledgeable, pleasant customer service representatives who will answer all your questions without taking a hard sell approach. Remember, selling gold jewelry is your choice. You don’t have to sell to them just because they’ve answered a few questions. If they are helpful and professional on the phone, chances are the company is a reputable one.6. Prada Handbags Check with the Better Business Bureau. It’s one of the simplest ways to reassure yourself that the company you’re selling gold jewelry to is honest and professional. If others have been scammed, the Better Business Bureau will have records of their complaints.If you’ve taken all six steps above and the company is an established business with a good reputation and helpful customer service representatives, you are one step closer to selling your gold jewelry for a nice profit.

