
How to open a dry cleaner

How to open a dry cleaners, open a dry cleaners to join in some of the matters needing attention:
         1, increase the awareness of dry cleaning dry cleaning is indispensable to people living in a work, and its development history is not long, has a great potential market;However, is also due to the short history, the masses are a limited understanding of it, many misunderstanding;The corresponding laws and regulations is not very perfect, dispute appears to be reasonable to solve a lot of;Very few corresponding theoretical guidance, also there are few domestic relevant training (yes, but very few), do not like the computer training, the streets are everywhere;Practitioners quality generally is not high, according to the experience of management and operation, it is difficult to ensure no problems, new problems difficult to settle for a beginner, ready to dry cleaning industry I recommend that you know more about the related knowledge of dry cleaning and washing to local dry cleaner has been operating for a walk, touch, understand the market (laundry prices, the cost of the profit condition, equipment, consumables, equipment consumables operators how many, price, etc.), to enhance understanding.
         In preparation for 2 money to open a shop, do not think about how much money can earn, how long does it take to prepare can lose first, for the following reasons:
         Have special points (1) dry cleaning, good season which ran can make a lot of, the off-season business is not good may lose a lot of, typically: are you ready to open two or three shop money to open a shop, the extra money for current spending and maintain.

(2) good shop shop rent, cost of industry and commerce, artificial wages, daily consumables, utilities, and so on recurrent costs;Bad luck, customer claims may result in store is closed, it also should have mental preparation;(3) in any season, stores open to customer support.A new store is need time to get customer recognition, especially the residents around.This paragraph of time is very tough, customers may have little, this requires high technology and service, special need.
         (4) well-managed, pulling up and down, can earn some more;Otherwise, it seems customer is heavy, secretly lose money.How do you understand? Must wash some clothes, some must dry cleaning, some are dry, washing;If the teacher not carefully or intentions in this respect, the result is hard to say.
        3. A good teacher a dry cleaner were good or bad, the master is always one of the key factors.In my experience, washing, ironing, said three to be qualified.Will wash clothes including washing, know how to distinguish between dry stains, to understand dry cleaning, industrial washer extractor , etc.;Iron levels basically directly embodies the level of teacher;Said the reasonable, polite, to realize a good impression to the customer;In a word, be a boss could not spend day and night in the shop, the master must be able to independently handle business, technology and human must be reliable.
         4. Strengthen the consciousness of business dry cleaning started late in China, the rule of law is imperfect, the market is not standard.Much more attention to, how to understand?
         (1) staff to lean
         (2) the various fees to the province (including shop rent, wages, etc.)
         (3) do not discount

