
How to open a dry cleaner or cleaning of success

I working for several years, with a view of this industry personnel, to open a dry cleaners to success is very simple, as long as you are required to do the following can basically get higher than social average wage level, a lot.
         It a: firstly, a good location
         Dry cleaning is a convenient service, with an average level of consumption of existing, or a few people have a car. Average person washing clothes is good because you will not turn a few streets or bus to visit your shop. Position is very important, so the general shop small can be selected at the shop gate or in the community, school, etc. And the big stores for wide radiating surface should choose in the transportation is convenient, traffic, parking location. Also decide a key factor is the location of personnel into purchasing, known as spending power, some high-grade village, or downtown, big school, these places to live more spending power, or it is not convenient his laundry. As the standard chosen location, estimate the size of this area, according to their own strength to do the budget of the investment, can even make the first step to open a shop.
Second: the second choose a good device
         Dry cleaning most of the work is to complete the perc dry cleaning machine, and many people are at you get your laundry dry cleaning equipment. So a good device can help you to finish washing work perfectly, and both the advertising effect. Due to the characteristics of dry cleaning, dry cleaners are basically in summer months, the winter basic every day to work, especially when busy sometimes have to work 24 hours a day. So to dry cleaners have a stable performance requirements is very high, in addition, the dry cleaner (the general C2CL2) on the market for steel has strong corrosion ability, ordinary steel in the case of not protect, could eclipse the light two years, so equipment anticorrosion performance is another requirement. And XiJingDu questions, in the condition of new dry cleaning oil is basically difference is not big, but the difference is that three cage it later, not filter or filtering effect is not good, basically can not back in the wash, to distill the (more waste water and electricity ah). At this time there is a good filter can assure you that you can basically in 8 car wash clothes, but also can ensure the quality of washing. Is three clock: stability, corrosion resistance, XiJingDu and energy-saving sex now to think about if you bought a poor dry cleaners, washing for clothes to others is broken, can not wash clean, or three days two head out of the question, or water and electricity fee is great. . . Can imagine even if you have a good position is no outlet.

Third: in the time is to have good technique
         Have a good location with good equipment, it can be said that success was 80%, but without good washing technology, it is all empty talk. I saw a woman in the office working on the shop, 100000 investment, equipment is fully enclosed 8 kg, excellent location, in 30, supermarket, opened a week to do activities, half a month income fifty percent to nearly twenty thousand. But the women do not understand technology, and there is no please go to the people to understand the washing technology, results in the first began in February every day someone to take his garment when found not clean, not hot good, still have laundry to compensate, the results of her business. Good technology give some examples here, people now enjoy a higher standard of living. Is adept fabrics are various, you you should know what the best way to wash fabric, such as some only dry cleaning, some can only be washed, clothing accessories, how to deal with button will wash solution or baked bad, etc.  To say more, good technology includes good iron levels. Good clothes clean no hot, just like a beautiful girl did not face first, see people still do not feel well, hot effect more intuitive user feeling. So this technology refers to the whole process need to master some knowledge and skills, do not look too mysterious, experience more is actually no problem completely, completely do not understand, slowly groping a basic can take months. If I had a friend a couple of simple tips, take a few days, that is less words, but from the entrants to master is a process, is any training course may help you to achieve, not everything depends on yourself


How to open a dry cleaner

How to open a dry cleaners, open a dry cleaners to join in some of the matters needing attention:
         1, increase the awareness of dry cleaning dry cleaning is indispensable to people living in a work, and its development history is not long, has a great potential market;However, is also due to the short history, the masses are a limited understanding of it, many misunderstanding;The corresponding laws and regulations is not very perfect, dispute appears to be reasonable to solve a lot of;Very few corresponding theoretical guidance, also there are few domestic relevant training (yes, but very few), do not like the computer training, the streets are everywhere;Practitioners quality generally is not high, according to the experience of management and operation, it is difficult to ensure no problems, new problems difficult to settle for a beginner, ready to dry cleaning industry I recommend that you know more about the related knowledge of dry cleaning and washing to local dry cleaner has been operating for a walk, touch, understand the market (laundry prices, the cost of the profit condition, equipment, consumables, equipment consumables operators how many, price, etc.), to enhance understanding.
         In preparation for 2 money to open a shop, do not think about how much money can earn, how long does it take to prepare can lose first, for the following reasons:
         Have special points (1) dry cleaning, good season which ran can make a lot of, the off-season business is not good may lose a lot of, typically: are you ready to open two or three shop money to open a shop, the extra money for current spending and maintain.

(2) good shop shop rent, cost of industry and commerce, artificial wages, daily consumables, utilities, and so on recurrent costs;Bad luck, customer claims may result in store is closed, it also should have mental preparation;(3) in any season, stores open to customer support.A new store is need time to get customer recognition, especially the residents around.This paragraph of time is very tough, customers may have little, this requires high technology and service, special need.
         (4) well-managed, pulling up and down, can earn some more;Otherwise, it seems customer is heavy, secretly lose money.How do you understand? Must wash some clothes, some must dry cleaning, some are dry, washing;If the teacher not carefully or intentions in this respect, the result is hard to say.
        3. A good teacher a dry cleaner were good or bad, the master is always one of the key factors.In my experience, washing, ironing, said three to be qualified.Will wash clothes including washing, know how to distinguish between dry stains, to understand dry cleaning, industrial washer extractor , etc.;Iron levels basically directly embodies the level of teacher;Said the reasonable, polite, to realize a good impression to the customer;In a word, be a boss could not spend day and night in the shop, the master must be able to independently handle business, technology and human must be reliable.
         4. Strengthen the consciousness of business dry cleaning started late in China, the rule of law is imperfect, the market is not standard.Much more attention to, how to understand?
         (1) staff to lean
         (2) the various fees to the province (including shop rent, wages, etc.)
         (3) do not discount


An oil dry cleaners enough?

In the dry cleaning industry, different dry cleaners dry cleaning equipment, washing the clothes is different, to the customer when they are developed feelings about effect is also different.In the dry cleaning industry competitive survival.Dry cleaners to join the company, in the development of brand dry cleaning must let the brand effect is very good, the price of dry cleaning brand dry cleaning equipment in the dry cleaning industry belongs to a better type of consumer is buying the investment of dry cleaning equipment, must identify the dry cleaning industry internal structure, dry cleaners to enterprise development, choose the dry cleaners to join is a very good choice, promote the development of environmental protection industry to use environmental protection hydrocarbon dry cleans machines.Want to know the dry cleaning equipment franchise chain in the dry cleaning industry one of the most popular brand of a dry cleaner.

With the continuous development of the dry cleaning industry, guangzhou ENEJEAN wash equipment manufacturing co., LTD., some dry cleaning has been expanding the scope of its own brand, dedicated dry dry cleaning business web site.In the dry cleaning on the website of the details of the dry cleaning equipment is introduced.
         Investors need to see, can be found in the dry cleaning industry, one of the best company in guangzhou have a ENEJEAN joining chain dry cleaners.Deep survey found that dry cleaning, dry cleaning equipment company is the one of the most steadfast and security, also is to have the biggest guarantee after-sales service.Most consumers like investment directly buy online ENEJEAN dry cleaning equipment, recently the weather is cool, many items open a dry cleaning chain, has a direct order online.


Make the best dry cleaners

Now more and more investors to open a dry cleaners, choose the brand has become tangled problem. Good is to choose the big brand or a small brand, some people say that small brand development space is larger, prices are lower. Do not know where did these sounds, open a dry cleaners actually the most important thing is to choose the big brand, brand consumption is now one of the mainstream, we all believe that brands can provide more high quality products and best service, therefore, will choose large franchisees to join, the author recommended ENEJEAN dry cleaners to join chain, to the best business model to open a dry cleaners, thus more can guarantee a thriving business.

A big brand their credibility and integrity of a few brands can not reach. As long as the store opened successfully, can harvest the results they want. Dry cleaning industry is developing so fast is also benefit from the dry cleaners to join chain form, the way to the joining trader has brought a lot of convenience, even if you do not know anything about laundry industry it does not matter, as long as you have the desire to do business. In fact in many dry cleaning investors, most investors are not exposed to this industry, just feel the industry good development momentum. Also because of this chain, in the form of dry cleaning market is prevalent. Loved by the majority of young investors, which makes the independent dry cleaners out of the eye of investors and consumers.
         Join ENEJEAN dry cleaning chain, there are plenty of advantages, like the headquarters will help store design, store advertising a number of advantages, such as joining these services are free. And the most worthy of mention is that join company does not charge any league ENEJEAN dry cleaning, zero initial let franchisees ease economic pressure, also see ENEJEAN wash clothes to dry cleaning franchisees how visible, the support is to is to benefit hundreds of millions of members, set up shop money success, each of the joining trader greatest expectations


The washing machine technique of choose and buy

The washing machine technique of choose and buy
         Washing machine is divided into pulsator and drum, in fact, both different, different users can choose according to different requirements.
         The current domestic market of two cylinder washing machine is made up of a washing cylinder and a take off the tank, washing, dehydration can be separately, but when the laundry, water, drainage have done manually, this kind of washing machine XiJingDu high, small power consumption, washing and dehydration time can be arbitrary choice, washing time can be arbitrarily chosen from 0 to 15 minutes, dehydration time can generally choose between from 0 to 5 minutes, dehydration is over, a buzzer hint, water washing and have a second or third choice, wide scope of washing. The washing machine shell generally has two kinds: the ordinary steel plate coating or aluminum alloy shell, elegant to coating steel plate, aluminum alloy shell never rust. From the washing capacity is 2-6 kg range, large capacity suitable to wash the sheets, blankets, such as big, double cylinder washing machine with low price, simple structure, convenient operation, light weight, easy to carry, etc
Matters needing attention when buying
         1. The first thing to pick some old brand, good quality and reputation of the brand, because these brand products are approved by the relevant state technical monitoring, safety performance is good, clean, dehydration rate, wear rate, noise, etc. Meet the national standards
         2. When buying, opened the package, observe the washing machine shell surface had scratch, scratch, operation panel whether level off, the plastic parts with and without buckling deformation, crack, knob, switch is installed in place, whether the dewatering plate rotating flexible, dolly tub, there are no parts fall off in the bucket
        3. Turn the laundry knob, presence of jam phenomenon, whether return to zero, then turn on the juice and open the laundry knob, see running whether normally, there are no sound, open the dehydration knob, whether running smoothly, sound, vibration without exception, dewatering plate, and whether the brake quickly and smoothly, dehydrated over whether buzzer
         4. Drain, the power cord is in good condition, whether the installation is firm, to see if attachment is complete

Fully automatic washing machine:
         Full-automatic washing machine from the structure points have pulsator, agitator, drum, at present, the domestic market sales are mostly pulsator and drum. Fully automatic washing machine is washing, dehydration, and can automatically complete the whole process of laundry washing machine, really did it work, you have a rest. A fully automatic washing machines have a variety of washing procedure, you can freely choose, working time can be adjusted (0 to 16 minutes washing, dehydration 0 to 5 minutes) working state and wash, have time off in the panel show, can automatic processing dehydrated imbalance (with all sorts of failure and high and low voltage automatic protection functions), work over power or power failure automatically, without supervision, to ensure safety. It also has soaked, wash water function. At present, some of the full-automatic washing machine is also using the fuzzy technique, namely the washer can provide the information of logical reasoning of sensor, automatic discriminant clothes quality, weight, smudgy degree, so as to automatically select the best washing time, into the water, rinse times and dehydration time, and display the amount of detergent, achieve the automatic washing time, easy to use, energy conservation and water saving. Pulsator full-automatic washing machine is characteristic of wash rate is high, but the clothes wear a lot of, as people living standard continuously improving. Silk, wool, wool and other marched into ordinary families, vendors and timely launch of the platen washing machine, its biggest advantage is that the wear rate is small, but clean rate is lower than pulsator
         Matters needing attention when buying
         1. The shell with and without scratches, bruises, with or without plastic buckling deformation .
         2. Turn on the juice and open the power switch, according to the directions shown in the program run the performance test run, whether running smoothly, dehydration is knocking, have sound vibration without exception.
         3. Drain, whether the power cord installation is firm, good condition, attachment is complete .


What about oil dry cleaners dry cleaning equipment using should pay attention to?

Oil dry cleaning equipment is one of the essential to the laundry dry cleaning machine, price is quite expensive, so for daily use should pay attention to many aspects.The following is a simple introduction for you:
         First, beware of the dry cleaner electricity security, for indoor power line and dry cleaners safety to do rigorous inspection of the equipment.
         Second, should ask professional electrician electrical safety check of the indoor, best separate the dry cleaning equipment of everyday appliances and work areas, such as water dispenser, refrigerator and so on electric appliance.Because these practices can avoid the happening of the fire.
         Third: make sure dry cleaners to join in the ventilation effect is good, the use of dry cleaning equipment needs of crude oil, will produce volatile gas, guarantee the reason ventilation is to prevent the volatile gas concentration is not too high.Then there is the ventilation system of oil dry cleaning equipment to boot correctly, do not bother to emissions indoors, and should go to outdoors.
         Fourth: open flame, prohibited in the dry cleaning equipment to ban smoking,

Fifth: dry cleaners to do safety inspection equipment, to ensure that the dry cleaners dry cleaning equipment join points without leakage, and the safety of the device is to ensure that the dry cleaners, operation process to ensure that no solvent.
Sixth: if there is a dry cleaner equipment problems need maintenance, so the premise is to ensure that the indoor air circulation and prevent leakage solvent, some dry cleaners equipment spare parts can be on the outside and as far as possible on the outside maintenance.
         Seven: residue for dry cleaners device needs to be carried out in accordance with the standard cleaning.
         Eight: the dryer after the stop to get the clothes in time, do not stop, because it can avoid to produce electrostatic, produce a fire.Take out to do in ventilated place ventilation.
         9: try to not stay after dry cleaners to close in the evening, do a good job security.If there is a potential safety hazard, oneself can not promise to solve, please professional fire department for processing.


How to control dry cleaner staff costs

  Open a dry cleaners, investment cost is relatively very little investment projects, and daily spending accounts for the largest proportion is the shop rent and wages, rent is usually fixed, but staff spending may save control, by way of some scientific ENEJEAN dry cleaning for franchisees to provide the following effective way to control the staff costs.

         1, ensure the quality of perc dry cleaning machine
         Upfront investment, business operators should consider how to save operating costs, although the level of mechanization of dry cleaning industry is higher, but still need to be manually controlled in practical operation, therefore, if the operator to choose the equipment are of good quality and the function is all ready, will greatly improve the work efficiency, reduce the workload of staff, thus saving the cost.Relative to the independent procurement of equipment, franchise brand dry cleaners, selects the brand to provide equipment more secure in terms of quality and after sales.

  2, strengthen staff training

         Dry cleaning operation, not the more the better, but the quality of employees, the more the better, a dry cleaner, if an employee comprehensive quality and ability is strong, can bear two employees working responsibility, so the operator can be less pay the salary of an employee, reduce costs.The skills of how to improve the quality of employees, it is only through the system of training and take more exercise, in addition, the cleaner worked so hard to cultivate a good staff, but also to find a way to retain employees heart, whether wages or emotional concern, to be considerate.

         3, perfect the management system

         A good management system can be further staff cost saving.Although there are many shops in Iraqi resistance net dry cleaners little less, but management and orderly, in an orderly way, and also very consumers.Dry cleaners only perfect management system, to further stimulate the staff personal value, make the employees to achieve maximum efficiency, reducing operating costs.


How much does it cost to open a dry cleaners?

How much does it cost to open a dry cleaners? Due to the difference of individual investment bear ability, the cost of open a dry cleaners in personally, had a significant difference. Carried out in accordance with the current market price analysis, the funds required for the open a dry cleaners in 80000 yuan of above, at least if more luxury decoration, the investment cost is relatively higher. So how much does it cost to open a dry cleaners?

         Dry cleaners are divided into small shops, medium-sized shops, large stores, flagship store four types, because of the flagship store of the investment amount is higher, the risk is much higher than other types of investments, higher requirements to the personal comprehensive ability, so most investors are more inclined to the first three types of investment, the dry cleaning industry is relatively lack of investors, is also a more reliable way of investment.

         In addition, due to the different operation mode, investment costs also can differ somewhat. If it is to join dry cleaners brand, from the largest Angle to save the investment cost, because most joined the headquarters will provide free dry cleaning technology training, advertising, equipment maintenance and other services, and these, are the lack of autonomous management. So suggest joining brand dry cleaning.

How much does it cost to open a dry cleaners? According to the net laundry resistance to join investment consultant, if it is to join the clean laundry resistance small store, so the lowest only more than 30000 yuan. Configuration of the automatic variable frequency oil dry cleaners, industrial dryer machine, automatic suction ironing machine, automatic electric generator, electric iron, etc. If the calculation on rent, utilities, washing supplies, etc. , in general is expected to more than 80000 yuan. Rent for a small shop covers an area of about 20 square meters, about 25000 yuan/year, other expenses, you have more than 20000 yuan a year.

         If is a large store to join, then the minimum need to invest more than 230000 yuan. Configuration of the hydrocarbon dry cleaning machines, vertical frequency elution dual-use machine, automatic frequency conversion oil dry cleaners, automatic suction ironing table, clothing such as conveyors and other 13 kinds of dry cleaning equipment. Also, according to the calculation mode of small shops, large shop area, decorate luxurious degree, minimum also need 350000 yuan. Due to the general in the large store covers an area of 100 square meters above, higher rent (varies) difference due to the geographical location, is in commonly 120000 yuan, in addition also need to hire at least 3 employees, should be at least 80000 yuan/year, as for the electricity and water, washing supplies, decorate and modernize, minimum need about 100000 yuan.

         If it is a medium-sized dry cleaners, and so on, the lowest 120000 yuan.

         How much does it cost to open a dry cleaners? Dry cleaning, of course, the brand is different, also can cause certain influence to the investment cost of high and low. Worth to remind is, not all of the dry cleaning brand is trustworthy, dry cleaning investors in the process of selection, care must be taken to select high-profile, good dry cleaning brand best and word of mouth. And, when choosing investment type, should start from the actual situation, choose the most suitable for their own brand dry cleaning


2015 a laundry can earn money

2015 a laundry can earn money? Nowadays, speed faster to create wealth, to appear on the market now laundry quantity more and more, then open a laundry it make money? From the point of the current domestic market, is very money, there is another reason is that the laundry is a fledgling industry gold industry.
         We according to the author analyze the data you will find that a laundromat to use is not a lot of money, young people want to invest in a startup, can consider the industry is very promising, at least compared with other services industry, the cleaner.
         Want to know not to make money, you should know how many money, investment should also be from open a shop size, equipment quality, the price is different to decide.Open a small laundry, in general, if the cost of investment in 3-50000 yuan can be satisfied, and medium-sized also as long as 6-140000 yuan, for large, to 24-350000 yuan or so, so, investors must first determine what do we need to how much laundry market, is not blind choice.

Except investment open laundry, laundry equipment and shoe repair machines, if your laundry scale was not, then employees are supposed to be less spending, if large, you must put employees wage rate in the open.
         Laundry is peak season and low season, especially in the summer, during the off-season, in order to make earn money laundry, laundry can increase the appropriate service or events, membership activities, is preparing to celebrate the coming of the peak season, or providing services such as color and retrofitting.
         2015 a laundry can earn money? As long as 3 - a small laundry investment 50000 yuan, but the profit is very high, generally speaking, the profit for the year up to ten, that is to say, can pay for half a year.More open questions can be consulting our online customer service personnel.


Dry cleaners in love clamshell dry cleaning machinery

Promote the dry cleaner favorite clamshell dry cleaners reasons, the main reason is that in order to ensure the permanent and reliable, and the dry cleaners adopt high work load resistance of new components manufacturing and become, stand the test of time.

         Commercial clamshell dry cleaners can help classify coin operated washing machine, in order to meet the various needs of customers, especially those who like to piece clothes in a smaller capacity of dry cleaners in the customer.We flip dry cleaners have a high temperature working load components, but also is suitable for the dry cleaners to work long hours, including a stainless steel dolly tub, all metal coating, rotating equipment and commercial and bladder to ensure that your investment to extend the coin-operated laundry service life of equipment.

         Features: flip dry cleaners dehydration speed at 710 revolutions per minute, up to the highest speed in the industry, can shorten the drying time, and realize high washing efficiency in business peak.Our four leaf type arc stir washing method can achieve the best industry 210 degrees, resulting in a unique washing effect.Unique stainless steel washing drum enjoy zhongshan warranty service, and realize the soft, smooth in actual use of washing effect, which does not make the clothes pilling, do not wear clothes.Quick washing can bring independent laundry shop owner more investment and profit opportunities.


What are the factors affecting the effects of dry cleaners clean?

In the process of dry cleaners to operate, the operator must know what are the factors affect the dry cleaners cleaning effect factors, such ability will dry cleaners do better service, let customer satisfaction.
         The influence factors of affecting dry cleaners cleaning effect can be roughly divided into the following:
         1. Dry cleaners time must be guaranteed, some dry cleaners store operator in order to save time, reduce dry cleaners time.In fact the needless to say that they could know dry cleaners effect must be not guaranteed.
         2. The amount of clothing a dry cleaners, no matter how much clothes is sent by the consumer must, in accordance with the standard to wash clothes.
         A dry cleaners dry cleaners required equipment clothing quantity is limited, not to say that can hold as many clothes can wash out.In accordance with the standards of the dry washer machine to.The more keen on gaining petty advantages graph save trouble, more will be counterproductive.
         3. For the dry cleaners after clothes drying also must pay attention to the problem.Temperature must be good control.The temperature of the dryer also has a great influence for clothing descaling, temperature is appropriate, in accordance with the standards, too high too low.Damaged clothing, high low temperature, the descaling effect is poor.
         4. The dryer drying time, which is same as the first point.Drying time to control good, the length of time and the temperature of the dryer are related.Normal drying temperature, drying time control in twenty minutes.

The influencing factors of dry cleaners clean
         5 dry cleaners of solvent dosage, the dosage of the solvent to the right.Much will improve dry cleaners store operating costs, lower the descaling effect will not dry cleaners had expected.
         6. The temperature of the dry washer solvent to control good, general dry washer solvent temperature control at 20 degrees above 35 degrees is most appropriate.In this way can the temperature of the maximize dry washer solvent cleaning effect.
         7. Dry washer solvent humidity.Dry washer solvent needs certain humidity, water is, the proportion is very important.
         8. The soluble dry washer solvent separated from the wastewater is the most effective ways to distill, mastering distillation ratio.A dry washer oil distillation is convenient to use again.


How to identify the quality of dry cleaners?

Dry cleaners is the mainstay of dry cleaning equipment, therefore, the quality of dry cleaners tend to represent the whole quality of the dry cleaning equipment .A successful dry cleaners, the dry cleaners on the purchase of equipment is also successful.So, when buying dry cleaning equipment, dry cleaners entrepreneurs how to identify the quality of the dry washer is key.So, investors how to identify the quality of the dry washer?Here ENEJEAN give you three Suggestions:
         First of all, learn to commissioning.So-called commissioning, is for the dry cleaners practical work, through to the dry cleaners in the work of the state to determine whether the quality of the dry cleaners.As the saying goes, is the mule is horse come out to walk, this is the theory basis for commissioning.The machine is good, try to know.Commissioning, main is to observe the stability of dry cleaners work this is the most important, and the stability is refers to the dry cleaners at run time, is there any shaking, there is no vibration, if there is any abnormal sound, and so on.Through trial, you will know more.Net, of course, the resistance of dry cleaning equipment in the factory, after numerous tests already, so we were to join the business son, will take the initiative to test and debug, franchisees do not have to worry about.
         Second, we should learn to observe and analyze all kinds of machine parameters, understand the main components are all adopt what kind of production technology, understand the manufacturers of these components is who.

Third, we should see.See what certificate?Normal production manufacturer of machinery and equipment, are to be certified.Such as 3 c authentication, the so-called 3 c certification, is the Chinese compulsory product certification system, English name ChinaCompulsoryCertification, English abbreviation CCC.Is the Chinese government to protect consumers personal safety and national security, enhancing product quality management, in accordance with the laws and regulations to implement a product conformity assessment system.As a kind of electrical appliances, dry cleaners also needs to have 3 c certification.In addition, also need to see if some international quality certification, etc.The more certificate, the greater the quality assurance coefficient of dry cleaners.
         Investors if the structure of dry cleaners is not very understanding, we suggest that you first query on the site and read about the structure and working principle of dry cleaners, dry washer solvent cylinder several commonly, for example, dry cleaners filtering device adopts what kind of material, what is a carbon filter system, frequency converter of dry cleaners have what effect, working frequency is how much, what is the current voltage needed, how much is the electricity power dry cleaners, etc., these should be aware.In addition, the components of dry washer is provided by which international famous enterprises, such as, ENEJEAN main components are all adopt imported dry cleaners, can have the inverter, the German wheeler pump, control panel of South Korea LG, the motor of the dragon.
         We recommend for you the above three concrete methods for the identification of the quality of the dry washer, hope to help you, if you have more questions need to know, also welcome you to contact us, we will sincerely provide you with more detailed consulting services.


What equipment you need to start the laundry?

What equipment you need to start the laundry?As we all know, there is no equipment, laundry room if that is an empty shell.Laundry operation need machine to help many of the process, a set of high quality dry cleaning laundry room equipment can help improve their efficiency and the washing quality.So what you need to start the laundry equipment?
         Different sizes of laundry for equipment is also different, but no matter the size of the stores, dry washer, dryer, ironing table, iron, steam generator of these devices are necessary, which is particularly important to the dry cleaners.
         Today dry cleaners are divided into oil dry cleaners and tetrachloroethylene dry cleaners, tetrachloroethylene dry cleaners have relatively better washing effect, but the price is much higher than the oil dry cleaners. hydrocarbon dry cleans machines on the washing effect, though less tetrachloroethylene dry cleaners, but wins in cheaper price, a good closed tetrachloroethylene dry cleaners prices as high as 60000 yuan, but a better oil dry cleaners but 30000 yuan.

In addition, more environmental protection oil dry cleaners, washing clothes sort is more, is the best location of the small and medium-sized laundry.Of course, if you open a larger laundry, suggest you choose tetrachloroethylene dry cleaners, washing quality can be enhanced greatly, and can guarantee the efficiency of washing.
         Outside the confines of dry cleaners, of course, like the dryer, dryer, ironing table, iron, steam generator of these devices are indispensable, if you buy the oil dry cleaners, then a set of equipment price 30000 yuan or so, however, a set of high quality dry cleaning equipment can bring you endless wealth, compared to spend 30000 yuan to buy a set of equipment is dwarfed.
         What equipment you need to start the laundry?Need to know the chance is given to those who have prepared, prepare well before opening, it is difficult to have a better development, dry cleaning equipment, of course, it is the one of the most important.Want to survive in the dry cleaning industry, laundry room wants to earn high profits, so let is prepare a set of high quality dry cleaning equipment.Set up shop more doubt, please consult the online customer service or leave a message on this site.