
How To Beat The Winter Blues By Painting Pictures

Soon another wonderful winter season will be upon us, or maybe it's winter time when you are reading this article. It's amazing to me the large number of people that seem to get the winter blues each winter season. These folks get lethargic and down right depressed from being hello kitty shoulder bag stuck inside during the cold, snowy days with nothing to do. I guess I am very fortunate as I always seem to find something to do, in fact I often wish I had more time in the winter to mens clothing get things done.One activity that anyone can do in the winter is have fun learning to paint pictures, so this winter season when you find that you may Syma S110G soon become stuck inside for several days due to the approaching snow storm or some other reason, you should head to the local mall and get some cheap art supplies. Just get some paints, and a couple different sized brushes, and some stiff white paper. Now, you don't need to spend a lot of money on top rated items, and you do not need an easel and other items to begin with.Once you get your painting supplies and are home on them cold winter days with nothing to do, it's time to start beating the winter blues. You may think that you cannot paint good, or you have nothing to think of as a subject. I want to tell you that if you can write your name, or doodle, you can paint. Were not talking about having to be a professional artist or a master, were talking about having a hobby and enjoying it during them cold boring winter days, so you have something to do. Just paint whatever you want and have fun doing it. You can paint winter scenes, of snowy hills or a snowman, or pine trees with snow covered branches, or paint bright, warm and sunny summer scenes.Once you get the hang of it, you may find that you are a heck of a lot better at painting then you thought. If you want to, you can always frame your paintings to hang in your home, or give them to friends and family members as gifts. You can even take your paintings to area restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, local art galleries or Hospitals to have displayed on their walls, for prospective customers to purchase. Now when the cold weather of winter keeps you shut inside with nothing to do, grab your brushes, paints and paper and pass the time away by painting, it's a great way to beat the winter blues.You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.

